5 Professional training in MAPS
This section is under development
QuickMAPS and cost-effectiveness modelling training has been given in a number of learning sessions in openly-accessible conferences, as well as some MAPS-run workshops. The workshops have generally been aimed at those in national nutrition settings, or nutrition research. This document provides examples of the training content that we have built through these experiences. Our workshops/learning sessions have also provided us with iterative co-design, from trainee feedback in the virtual, or in-person, rooms.
5.1 MAPS learning sessions
These sessions held within conferences have all been applied to under open calls for training/learning sessions. These are also listed under the ‘Conferences’ header on https://micronutrient.support/publications
5.1.1 Conference sessions
54th Annual General Meeting and Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Nigeria Kano, Nigeria https://nutritionnigeria.org/kano-2024-loading/
Pre-Conference Workshop (learning session) Exploring micronutrient deficiencies using the open-access, web-based Micronutrient Action Policy Support (MAPS) tool Samuel, Eyinla et al.
Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) ANH2024 Learning Labs (Online) https://www.anh-academy.org/academy-week/2024
Learning Lab Using the MAPS tool to model the cost and cost-effectiveness of food systems interventions: economic evaluations for non-economists Adams et al
Micronutrient Forum 2023 The Hague, The Netherlands https://micronutrientforum.org/conferences/micronutrient-forum-6th-global-conference-for-nutrition-for-resilience/
Learning Center Micronutrient intervention cost modeling using the MAPS tool: an introduction for non-economists Adams et al.
8th Annual Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) Academy Week 2023 Lilongwe, Malawi, https://www.anh-academy.org/academy-week/2023
Learning Lab Exploring micronutrient deficiencies using the open-access, web-based Micronutrient Action Policy Support (MAPS) Tool Tull, Millar et al.
Side Event New resources for nutrition analysis using Household Consumption and Expenditure Survey data Joy, Ander et al.
Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) ANH2022 (Online) https://www.anh-academy.org/academy-week/2022
Side Event LSMS for Nutrition – Learning Hub Joy et al.
5.2 Workshop training
LeNNS Network training Lilongwe, Malawi November 2023 Osman et al., see this Insight for more details.